

How to start designing cosmetic packaging boxes?


  It is said that clothing is the image of a person, and the packaging box is the image of the product. The design of the cosmetic box just solves the problem that if a person does not pay attention to the appearance and image, it is difficult to obtain the help of others. If the product does not pay attention to the appearance packaging, it is difficult to obtain the attention of consumers. So, how to accurately position the cosmetic box?

  First, any packaging serves the product, the first is to protect the product, and the second is to beautify the product. A high-quality cosmetic box can not only protect the product, but also improve the quality of the product. Such a packaging box is the packaging box that businesses want.

  When designing, you should pay attention to the fact that if the basic protection function is not available, no matter how beautiful the packaging is, it is only a cosmetic effort and does not have a real effect, and the flashy cosmetic packaging box is not what the businessmen want.

  Second, in our daily life, we can find that there are many types of cosmetics, from basic water cream to various make-up products, the scope of cosmetics is too wide.

  Therefore, the cosmetic kit should be designed according to the specific product to be packaged, and the design should be carried out from the aspects of color matching, material selection, process application, design style, etc., in order to achieve the packaging that meets the characteristics of the product.  

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